Review 2023

Team expansion

Team expansion

By the end of December 2023, the team will have grown to 8 full-time staff, not counting part-timers. Together with our team, we want to develop solutions that work for growers.

Moving to new premises

Moving to new premises

We now have a 3600 sq. ft. facility in an industrial sector of the Laurentians. We manufacture and assemble our own equipment.



As a technology engineering company, we’re always on the lookout for the best solutions. We design, manufacture and test in a cycle of iterations. This enables us to move towards the solution that appeals most to our customers.

Our first model


This first model, known as the barrel module, was tested for over 20,000 hours in a greenhouse in the Laurentians. The agricultural technicians noticed the positive effect of our innovation on the plants, thanks to the high level of dehumidification.

We changed the model because it was not easy to install on greenhouse growers’ sites.

The slim module


Our second model enabled us to go further in the design of our ecosystem. We also resolved a number of issues relating to the commissioning of our modules. Considering the installation difficulties, we decided to create the X4 module, our 3rd model.

The X4 module


The X4 module has been designed for ease of assembly, installation and fabrication. It has also been designed to be more compact, with a more industrial look.

We're looking forward to 2024